Twitter Tuesday: Robin Thicke

Son of Growing Pains’ lovable father, Alan Thicke, and soul man behind this year’s biggest hit, Robin Thicke, is more popular now than ever. Before this summer’s chart topper, “Blurred Lines”, Robin Thicke was playing the background. Now, his presence is undeniable, on the radio and social media alike.

Thicke is pretty formulaic about his use of Twitter. Although his bio includes some personal thoughts, “Let’s change the world one soul song at a time. I Love u @paulapattonxo & Julian Fuego,” his personality is limited in his tweets.  Even when he seems to be posting something unrelated to himself, there is more than likely an ulterior motive.

Although I’m sure he sincerely loved Baggage Claim, Thicke’s promotion of his wife’s movie is probably strategic. Much like when plugging his own ventures, Thicke’s tweets are straight forward with intent.

His lack of obscenity and crude tweets are actually a nice change of pace from other musicians in the spotlight. By viewing his Twitter feed, one would be hard fought to identify @RobinThicke with the guy who has drawn so much criticism for his racy release and music video of the hit single, “Blurred Lines”. Scrolling through his tweets, he is transparent about his intentions and seemingly humble. He is actually engaging and considerate of his followers.

Although he engages his followers to respond, his responses to them are few and far between. The most common tweet of his features a mention, according to Twtrland, but those mentions are most often to a person or organization that he’s collaborating with.

Thicke’s reach is less than that of musicians that Twitter Tuesday has hosted so far, but he’s also not quite as established as a few of them. And while his controversial and irresistibly catchy “Blurred Lines” is the driving component behind his rise to super stardom, his smooth, nonchalant attitude seen both in person and on Twitter adds to his alluring persona.

Or perhaps it’s this transparency and formulaic approach to the Twitterverse that contributes to his rising popularity, as well as the popularity of “Blurred Lines.” Thicke has an interesting approach to the professional vs. personal ethics. When in a professional setting, such as a music video or live performance, he is unafraid of being raunchy and provocative. In personal settings, like interviews or tweets, he is calm  and collected. He doesn’t aim for the shock factor in an every day setting. He always seems to be in control of what he’s saying and doing. Instead of riding the coattails of dropped jaws and offended blog posts to fame (*cough* Miley Cyrus *cough*), Thicke is staying cool, calm and collected, using the tools at his disposable, like Twitter.

Check back Thursday for a look at how “Blurred Lines” became the record breaking song that it is.

Thanks for reading.